

Grant agreement n ° 247745 (FP7)
Project Coordinator: Constantin von Dewitz
Participation of LTFN
AUTh Sci. Responsible: Prof. S. Logothetidis

In the NoE FlexNet, 17 participants from 11 European countries work together in order to support Europe in becoming a world leader in Flexible, Organic and Large Area Electronics (FOLAE).
FlexNet aims at interlinking Europe's FOLAE-expertise in the domains of science, technology development, components, devices and systems integration technologies. A special emphasis is set on the subsequent commercial exploitation of FOLAE-based systems knowledge - especially through SMEs - in order to enable a wide spread of FOLAE-based future businesses in Europe.
The NoE FlexNet supports the integration process of the scientific excellence of FOLAE-oriented European research on Materials, Devices and Systems. This part is complementary to the NoE PolyNet efforts. In addition, FlexNet integrates excellent scientific capacities from Southern and Eastern Europe.